Saturday, October 27, 2007

Miel - Honey

We have a bee keeper right here in our village. This is his sign, and when it is out on the sidewalk you can go and purchase his goods in his little store on his property. Last weekend there was a Gout (taste) at his facility and we were able to go take a tour and taste the delicious honey.

These are a few of his beehives. .

You can always find them at market each weekend in Bourron and in Fontainebleau on Tuesdays and Fridays.

They always have a
beautiful display of all
their goods. They make
several different kinds of honey, candies, breads, cookies and even wine.
They mix the honey with different kinds of flowers to get different flavors. Many of the flavors are very strong, but very delicious.
Our kitchen is stocked with our favorites.

We got a demo on how they wrap the candy. The kids are very interested because of course there are samples at the end.
We love their hard candy and a nougat they make with pistachios. I never knew you could do so much with a little honey.
Logan class at school took a tour on Monday, the day after we had gone to visit. He came home and told me that they got to watch a movie about the bees( We opted not to watch it when we were there because it was black and white and looked like it had been filmed about 20 years ago and it was in French) I asked him if he liked it, he said, "Well I kind of fell asleep, but I was soooo lucky because I woke up just when it ended."

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