Sunday, March 2, 2008

Barcelona - Day 2

Today we went to the Beach with the Randall's and had ourselves a marvelous time! We found a perfect beach. We swam, built castles, buried the kids, jumped rope, played soccer, collected sea shells, and got sand in everything. All the kids had wet suits so they seemed as tough as nails in the cold water. After the beach we walked through the town of Sitges. There were some beautiful sights when the sun was going down. It was once again a great little village with neat doors, and the locals visiting with each other and doing a little shopping. It was a great day! I'll steal Shaun's phrase and say if a picture is worth a thousand words then listen to what else we have to say.

1 comment:

natalie said...

oh fun! i would DIE to be there! it looks warm though! it was warm here yesterday, i wish i had shorts on then, it snowed. lvoe the pictures!