Friday, February 22, 2008

À jouer au tennis- To play tennis

Annie and Logan showing us their stuff.

The class is held in a gym in Montigny, which is also used by the elementary school during the week for gym, so since we are the last class of the night, they have learned how to take down the net and help put it all away.
Since Mark and I are both tennis fans we decided France was as good a place as any to introduce our kids to the sport. So this is what we do on Tuesday nights. We registered the kids right when we got here. We were able to put the Randalls and us in a class together, so it has been really fun. The poor instructor William-6 little Americans who didn't speak French or play tennis, I think he was a bit overwhelmed, but he has done a terrific job with all of them. For kids who had never played before they can now rally back and forth with each other.
William is also my instructor on Thursdays.

1 comment:

natalie said...

oh fun! you will be wonderful tennis players!