Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Deux filles à Paris- Two girls in Paris

April 1, 2008

In all the time mom has spent here we managed to get one day with just the two of us in Paris. The best part was that there was no agenda, we just strolled around and looked at anything that looked interesting.
I will forever remember the day 2 girls went to Paris.

For a girl who loves clocks, it was pretty exciting when we found this little number. I have seen it in Annie's math book and on postcards but I didn't know exactly where it was so it was rather fun when we rounded a corner and there it was.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

Bonjour Reeds! C'est merveilleux qu'ils sont a la France! J'ai oublier comment dit "We miss you!" It will be wonderful to see your family again when you return... looks like you are having such an experience. You all look well!