Sunday, April 6, 2008

Surprise for North

March 12, 2008

It seems crazy to put another blog of Disneyland, but it was a day of magic and surprise for North and we want to remember the fun, so here we go.

Rocky Mountain Rollercoaster was one of the favorite rides of the day. We didn't have to wait in any lines so we went on it several times. Each time we tried for the perfect self portrait of excitment.
We were just happy that no one dropped their camera capturing the moment.
The one line we had to wait in we passed the time testing Shauns skills at hand clapping games.
A new look for Mo- we like it!
The rock-n-roll-rollercoaster. We have been trying to talk Dallas into going on this ride, but he never wanted to until today. It is a very fast ride so I was a little worried that he would be scared.
All strapped in and ready to go.

I don't know how well you can see his face, but he LOVED it, needless to say this was the first of many rides on the rock-n-roll coaster.
We closed down the park with suckers in hand. Nothing like experiencing Disney with a fun cousin and crazy Uncles, Aunt and Grandpa!

1 comment:

natalie said...

I looks like you guys had so much fun!! Lots of walking too!