Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quelle chance- What luck!

March 17, 2008
What a mess we woke up to. The naughty little leprechauns even found us in France. They ripped through the house turning over chairs and throwing everything on the floor, but they did leave chocolate money and pots of "gold".

The kids decided they were going to catch the little rascals this year, but I keep telling them the leprechauns are "very lucky" and this year the kids were not, in the morning the trap was empty.

Raise your hand if you like green milk. A must once a year.
Everything seemed extra green to me today, especially the mistletoe. With spring upon us, but still without leaves you can see the big clumps everywhere.

We had to dig, but we found green for everyone. (If we could get Sophie to take off her rainbow you could see her green dress).I'm afraid we're going to start to frighten the teachers at school with all our crazy holiday traditions. Jesse really wanted to take a goodie for St. Paddy's day so we took green Rice Krispie Treats. Can you believe we managed that in France.
Green day means green food. What "luck" I had finding spinach tortellini to complete our green meal which consisted of green beans, avocados, cucumbers, green peppers and limeade. I felt like if it was green and you could eat it we had it, except for brussel sprouts, Yuk!

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