Tuesday, April 8, 2008

La Chasse aux oeufs- The egg hunt

March 22, 2008
Decorating our Easter Eggs.

We loved the way the colors came out this year due to the brown eggs. We call them our designer eggs because the colors seem like colors you might find on a paint swatch. Sophie gives Annie a little help finding her basket.

We really had to put on our creative hats for this one. We did not have any grass for the baskets, or baskets for that matter. I had brought some crepe paper from home and I happened to have green. Grandma took strips and folded it and cut it into thin strips for the grass. It worked great. As far as baskets go we used two yellow bowls, a pink colander, a small play basket and a mushroom basket.
The baskets were not filled with loads of things, they were very simple consisting of a large chocolate chicken a few American candies grandma brought and some tiny porcelain figurines we bought at the bakery. They all thought they were great.
It's amazing what you can do when you don't have Roberts.

After the hunt was over the kids started to do their thing-play. They set up market and were busy all day.

First thing in the morning we hunted for our designer eggs. With Grandma here you know it was a good one. She is the best at hiding those darn things. Each child had 7 eggs to find with 3 bonus eggs. It took them a while to find all her great hiding spots.
Of course there was one "golden egg" to be found.
We would not give any clues at all. We told them that if they had not found it by 5:00 we would give them a clue. We did tell them that they had all touched and moved it.
Jesse would not give up! She searched and searched until we heard, "I found the golden egg, I found the golden egg!"
Was she ever excited. Grandma was so clever she had taken a loaf cake and cut the end off, hollowed out the inside, put the egg in and put the end back on and wrapped it in saran wrap and put it back on the counter.
Way to go Jesse.

1 comment:

natalie said...

Wow, that is an amazing hiding spot!