Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bucharest- Au Revoir

Well sadly it was time to leave and go home. We had to leave early in the morning to take the bus and subway to the airport. Luckily we had Grandma & Grandpa to help us keep track of everyone.

I have never seen anything as crazy in my life as this airport. There is no such thing as a line, but there was no rhythm or reason to any of this chaos. People just pushed and shoved, and we were all trying to get to the same place. CRAZY!!
They are showing you their breath. It was very cold that morning, and it started to snow as we entered the shuttle bus. It turned into quite the blizzard, so we left just in time.
In fact when we got home we spoke with Gr & Gr and they said it just snowed and snowed and snowed. It was a huge blizzard, they received 2 feet of snow and so it halted all flights in or out. We would have been stuck if we had had a later flight.
Lots of long nights and busy days, these three were asleep before the plane even left the ground.
Thanks Grandma & Grandpa for the great time!!


Anonymous said...

that is a crazy airport! you three look very exhausted!

Natasha said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun as well. I bet the kids will be happy to get back home and back to life.