Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Mahé Family

Today after church we went to the Mahé's home. Julie Matté is Annie's friend and her mother Valérie has been so kind to us. We spent the
better part of the afternoon with them. We ate galette and got the tour of their fantastic French farm house.

I actually ended up with the feve as well as Julie, but I made Logan my king.

After Galette Julie's sister Milena played the most beautiful music on the piano. It made the house feel so warm and inviting.
They showed us their feve collection-after todays they have 69.

On the way home every turn felt photo worthy. The sun is out longer and the air is a little warmer and the moss and grass is coming back greener than ever- It is so beautiful!

The drive from their house takes you through the greatest villages-we just enjoyed the scenery! It must have seemed so beautiful becuase I felt much relief after having given my first talk in French at church. I was given the difficult subject of a budget. These people are the most budget concious people I know (they save everything). I prayed for days that I might know what to say. I don't know that they understood a thing I said, but it was good practice for me and they seemed happy that I had tried. I don't believe anyone in the audience got much, becuase the English speakers couldn't understand me nor the French. The poor missionary who does the translating was very cute about it. Logan gave the scripture in Primary as well today. He did a very nice job!

1 comment:

natalie said...

wow, that is alot of feves! i like milena, she looks like a cute girl!