Monday, January 7, 2008


I have left Mark home with 5 kids and a lot of French homework so I could come and try to improve my French a school in the south of France. I am in a town called Montepellier and it is a great little town. I took the train with my Friend Janet on Sunday, it was very fast and we arrived in about three and a half hours. Our host family, who are darling, picked us up from the train station and drove us to their home. I am pretty sure they do this for a living because they have the system down. She rides her bike to the station and when we arrive she calls Gilbert and he drives over with the car and takes us home, then she rides her bike home.
They offered us lunch after we arrived and so we agreed, what a lunch it was, plain spaghetti noodles; baguette, and I think an omelete-it was very flat like a crepe but did not taste like either: We were very amused. Our dinner was along the same lines as far as the cooking is concerned. When we arrived back to the house after our walk to find the school, no dinner was prepared or being prepared, but moments later she called for us to come and eat. We had hamburger pattis, cooked peas (my chilren will be so proud of me-I ate a large scoop of them) and an endive salad. Gilbert asked us if we ate hamburgers in the US and we told him we did and so he asked us if our husbands were fat.
This is going to be one of those experiences that will be hard to forget, like typing on this computer-it is a European keyboard and I am frustrated so I will have to fill you in later, but maybe we will get lucky and get a blog from Mark-if he survives! Honey I love you for this!


Anonymous said...

wow! sounds like quite the adventure! that makes me laugh that he asked, are your husbands fat? how is the european keyboard different that ours?

Natasha said...

what an exciting adventure and what a great husband to take care of the kids and their school work so you can do this.