Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chasse en Cours - Hunt in progress

The Hunt is on. Hunting season was in full swing during Mark's stay. What could make him more happy? He was fortunate to see a group of about 15 deer a couple of times, buck included, and several boar. He decided to take the kids and check things out.

Not to panic, the hunt here is very controlled. They post signs so you are not allowed in the forest during the hunting hours.
The forest is beautiful right now with all the moss and bare trees. Mark says he likes it that way so he can see what is in there. It would be pretty difficult to find anything with all the leaves.
They still use the dogs and the trumpets, it seems pretty formal.
For all you hunters out there, call Mark he found some pretty funny video clips of the different hunts in France on the web.


natalie said...

cool! that foest looks so fun to play in!

Natasha said...

what fun.