Monday, June 30, 2008

Les égouts de Paris et Le Musée d'Orsay

June 18, 2008
Today Mark had his final return and so once we collected him from the airport we headed to the égouts de Paris-the sewer. This has been on our list of things to do since we arrived and so we made it our first stop of the day.
As you can tell it was stinky!! We were happy for our paper towels to block the stench somewhat.
Annie started to gag a little and we were glad she didn't lose her lunch.
Some of the funny comments that we heard were "This is supposed to be fun right?" A little girl near the end of the tour "Mom, it smells bad in here". At the beginning of the tour one of the tour directors showed us on the map that the tour ended near the bathrooms so you could wash your hands and warned the kids not to touch anything.
It was interesting to see the city under the city but I can safely say that is not a sight we will visit again soon!
How refreshing. The above ground smells of Paris.
We walked from the sewers to the Musee d'Orsay. We really liked this museum because of the mix of art. The kids were taken with the sculptures, and the many works of the impressionists.
Logan knows my love of clocks and he was the first to spot this big one and thought we should take a picture.

The art here is amazing and we got lots and lots of pictures of all of it, but we'll save that for another entry.
The determination of a 6 year old who thinks he is 8. If Dallas can do it so can Logan. I caught him at just the right moment when he finally did get a grip on the ring all on his own.

We found it! Gelato in Paris, nearly as good as in Italy. They were pretty fancy with their scooping technique and made all the cones look like flowers with the multiple flavors. I wish I could post a taste for all of you.
Lucky for Sophie the man working the shop on this day was very kind because hers ended up on the street after two licks, so she got to start over with a brand new one and successfully ate the entire thing. We love Paris!


Natasha said...

looks like lots of fun and very yummy

Photo Amy said...

I love, love the picture of all of you covering your noses in the sewer. And how are you supposed to eat those lovely flower treats without them dripping down your hand first?