Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Versailles avec Les Degraws

May 18, 2008

After church we wanted to see the gardens at Versailles. We were unaware until we arrived that on the weekends they turn the fountains on, so for a small fee you can enjoy the beauty of all the great water features.
I don't recall ever seeing them on so it before-I was happy that we were able to have this be part of our day.
We thought he looked like the "you know who"
What a great guy-he took all of our lunch supplies back to the car so we wouldn't have to have it hanging about the rest of the afternoon.
We introduced Carly & Megyn to our traditional "jump off the bench"- we didn't want their trip to Versailles to be incomplete.Our other tradition-Bikes. The kids are always so happy to be able to ride a bike again, it's always so fun to be able to do it through the beautiful gardens.It's a trick to be the photographer, the umbrella and backpack porter and stay on your bike all at the same time.
Two women, one man, lots of children-yes we got a few funny looks.
The Swans at Versailles had new goslings. The kids were amazed when they climbed in the water one by one in a perfect line after their mother, "how do they know how to do that?".
Tobyn couldn't hold in his excitement in for one more minute.
Having fun at Marie Antoinette's palace. The courtyard was empty and it was the perfect spot for a photo shoot. Tobyn hadn't taken enough pictures yet ha ha (I think he was up to 1,200 at this point) so he was so cute and patient and let each of the children take their turn at being the super star. I think he liked playing with his camera-click, click, click.
The weeds and wild flowers were plentiful and made a lovely bouquet.

What fun we had with Tobyn & Fran. They truly know how to have a good time.
Tobyn has many talents, one is voice impersonation-the favorites are Donald Duck and some little guy with a Mexican accent. The kids just loved it when he would use one of these voices. When this photo was taken I am not sure which voice he was using -but it was very entertaining.

We loved having them here and hated when it was time to go.
Tobyn filled the gap for Mark this week; He wrestled with the boys, entertained the girls in Paris, entertained the kids at the house, and entertained us all with his photos.
The girls got along wonderfully and had such a fabulous time being together.
Fran was a huge help and always tons of fun.
Memories to last a lifetime.

Flying standby can always be tricky-so we are crossing our fingers they make it home.

My girls were crossing theirs that the flight would be full and they would haveto stay another week.

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