Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Rutters

April 29, 2008
We were so excited to welcome our good friends Jared & Deena Rutter. They arrived just 2 days after we returned from Switzerland, good timing. Jared had a conference in Belgium and said we could keep Deena for a couple of days.
For the kids their second mom had come home, it was a tender reunion.
Deena and I really hit it off when we moved to Salt Lake. Our kids are the same ages and best buds. Deena is extremely gifted in almost every area of life. She is musical, with voice and instruments, very artistic-she designs papers and every imaginable thing for scrap booking companies (Provo Craft, cricket, Adobe etc.) She is organized, calm and patient. I am lucky to be able to call her my friend!! Logan has spent thousands of hours with Deena, in her home, in her car, at lessons you name it-she really is like a second mom.
Deena caught this picture of the boys when we took her to market in Milly-I just think it's so cute.
Deena & Jared were missing their kids and so were we, so we skyped them when we returned to the house.
I still think the boys were hoping for the ultimate surprise of Jack and Will popping out of a suitcase. That would have been a grad reunion but we will be having one happening shortly on Browning Ave.

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