Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fete de L'eglise - party at church

The annual Christmas party was held at the church last night. They had gone to a lot of work to make it look festive and prepare lots of food. This is no easy task here, a lot goes into the preparation of one of these parties.
We ate in three courses and between each course we would sing Christmas hymns or someone would perform. Olivia played a song on her violin and did a great job and Annie, Jesse and I signed the 4th verse to Angels we have heard on high, they broke the song up so the 1st verse was sung by a man in our ward in his native African dialect, a couple sang the 2nd, all four missionaries sang the 3rd in English and for the 5th we all joined in in French. It was really beautiful.

We have been blessed to meet such wonderful people and watch them serve and love one another.
They had a great turnout and as always made us feel very welcome. We are grateful for all those who put in so much time to make a fun evening for all.

The Hallarneyer sisters closed the evening with a beautiful duet of Silent Night. They are so dedicated and have been so kind and helpful to the children in primary.


Anonymous said...

fun! i love christmas parties!

Joanne said...

I love Christmas