Sunday, December 9, 2007

Raclette dinner

The Randall's had us over for a Raclette dinner while my parents were in town.
Here is Janet explaining to all of us, where Raclette comes from and how to use the machine. Raclette is a cheese from the Alps of Switzerland and France, you melt the cheese in the machine and pour it over almost anything. Some of the favorites are potatoes, ham, bread, and veggies. We had a wonderful time and lots of delicious food!
After dinner the kids gave us quite the fashion show.


Anonymous said...

The Randall's have a very nice raclette grill, it reminds me of The Entertainer (half stone, half metal grill top) that is common here in Australia. And I think they even published the only raclette cookbook in English, those clever folks from Raclette Australia...

I bet the kids loved racletting!

Anonymous said...

fun! that looks good and i love the fashion show pictures!