Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Joyeaux Noël- Merry Christmas

Christmas morning- I think the kids thought we were torturing them by making them wait on the stairs until we had the cameras all ready.
They awoke at about 8:00, we were really happy about that.

All Sophie wanted was a beautiful princess dress and crown. Her dream came true!
She looked like a princess all day!
She's already counting down for Christmas next year.

The girls both got new boots, and hats!
We're trying to fit in with the French.

Dallas got his own set of scriptures. Dad brought them from Salt Lake as a big surprise. Now he said he would like a set in French.
Our gift of the heart gifts were a big deal this year. The boys both got wood swords from Sophie & Jesse-they thought they were pretty awesome. I think they will get some good use.

Annie started Jesse a scrapbook of France. She worked very hard on it and could hardly wait for Jesse to see it. Jesse looked at each page and read every caption-she loved it! What a treasure.

Logan made Annie a table for the American girl dolls out of the logs from the Forest. It is very sturdy as you can see. He helped to saw all the logs and nail them into place. He was determined to make this for her. It was so fun to watch how excited they were to give their gifts they had made.
There I am working on the family blog for her siblings. I can hardly wait to see what you all post.

Annie & Jesse all dressed up in their new garb.
Logan and his space puzzle-he put it together in a jip. (This is what Logan says instead of jif, we love it.)

The aftermath of a great morning!
We loved our low pace day of no schedule and just enjoyed being together.

Ahh, The foods of Christmas. We ate food all day long, it was great. We cooked up the lobster towards the end of the night and the kids wished we had 20.

The missionaries came over for dinner and their annual Christmas phone calls. Luckily we had two phone lines to accommodate both at the same time. They had such great visits with their families we had to send their dinner in a doggy box. Elder Hamilton is being transferred on Friday to Blois, and we will miss him, but are happy to have Elder Hobbs stay here, we love the missionaries and their energy.
The kids said, "This was the best Christmas ever" that's exactly what a parent wants to hear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fun! you guys are so creative with all your gifts! i love the princess outfit and the boots. Merry Christmas!