Sunday, December 9, 2007

Saut corde- jump rope

Oh boy! Did we ever jump rope with Grandma & Grandpa. They brought us some new jump ropes, long and short, so after dinner we would move the table and start them a turning. What a process we watched. Logan who could not even jump a short rope one single jump can now jump double dutch. You should see him go!
We could jump one, two, three or four at a time, spin around, touch the group, hop in and out, they really impressed us with their new skills.
I must say it takes some skill on the rope turners end as well, we all got pretty good and pretty tired. Just for the record Jesse is up to 285 single jumps.
What fun we had- thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's amazing! i love the pictures!