Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tous encore ensemble- All together again

Yea! Once again we have Mark with us. I told the kids we were going to spend the day in Paris and so off we went, little did they know the address I punched into the GPS was for the train station where we would pick up Mark. We were there a little before he was and so we had to circle the street once then the kids started to say, "Mom where are we going? we have already been here". Luckily Mark spotted us at that moment and I drove right up onto the sidewalk. When the kids realized what was happening they were so excited they began to scream. We had told them he would arrive on Christmas day so they were very surprised.
We loaded all 150lbs. of his luggage and set out for our day in Paris.

Our first stop was the Musee de la Poupee (The Doll Museum). I had read about this little museum that is tucked away that houses a collection of dolls that a father and son have. They date back to the 1800's. It was a fun stop but not 27 euro worth. If any of you are thinking of going there just talk to me before you go.
Walking across the Seine we ran into Santa-he was better than the museum and only cost us 2 euro. He sang "You better watch out, you better not cry Pere Noel is coming to Paris".

Notre Dame

On top of Notre Dame with the family. Standing in line we met some girls from Ohio and a couple from Utah who were kind enough to take our photo.

The gargoyles of Notre Dame - they are quite interesting and all different.

What can I say-this is the city of Love!!

The kids having a great time as we stroll along the Seine.

This is a very common sight in Paris. People decide to dress up in all sorts of costumes, paint them selves gold or silver, stand on a box, put a dish in front of it and collect money. Pretty easy way to make a living. Sophie thought she was pretty neat.

If you do stop to watch any of the side shows you need to be careful or you may end up in one. Here we see Mark helping to entertain all the onlookers.
After the sights we bought ourselves some dinner and dessert crepes, yum, yum.
The kids love watching them make the huge crepes, but they love eating them more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fun! it would be a good living just to dress up all day! i love the santa claus.